
a fast-spinning 'odometer' style display, showing kilowatt hours, next to piles of coins

The path to building a sustainable, renewables-first energy grid starts at home, with a commitment to making ‘Everything Electric’.

For us all to ‘stop burning stuff’, we need to focus on powering the devices and appliances in our lives with electrical energy instead of using fossil fuel based energy sources.

Our grid energy retailers are also evolving, with the emergence of a new breed of retailer that offers access to the real underlying, dynamic, cost of buying and selling energy on the grid.

Our homes are turning into resilient and flexible power stations, through the installation of solar and battery energy storage systems.

Electric Vehicles let us power our personal transport with renewable energy (both from the grid and from our own rooftops).

Our houses contain electrical devices that consume energy, and the larger ones (like air conditioners, hot water heaters and pool pumps) can be controlled so they do their work at an optimal time each day.

The challenge with all of these disparate Distributed Energy Resources is to dynamically control them in a holistic and intelligent way, to increase overall energy efficiency and (as a result) reduce your monthly energy bills on an enduring basis.

The Solution


autopilot button, with finger about to press it

Energy Autopilot is a new company, founded by Simon Hackett, that is dedicated to bringing all the pieces of the renewable energy puzzle together in your home and office.

Our mission is to substantially reduce your monthly energy bills while also making your home or office an active contributor to the creation of the renewables-first, sustainable, low-carbon energy grid.

To achieve this, we are developing an easy to use, multi-vendor, multi-retailer platform that integrates, optimises and automates energy flows between the various Distributed Energy Resources in your home and office.

Energy Autopilot is not a “VPP” (where you hand control over your energy resources to a third party). Our focus is on providing you with local control and autonomy over the operation of the resources you own.

Investment in an on-site battery of sufficient size can create the additional opportunity to further reduce your monthly energy bills by buying energy when the cost is low, and selling it back to the grid (at a net profit) when the grid needs it most!

Subscribe Now


We are developing our platform now, informed by successful internal testing in a variety of real-world scenarios that have proven to us that this… works.

The initial commercial release of our platform will be in Australia, with other countries to follow.

We invite you to sign up to our mailing list for updates on our development path, and for opportunities to join the beta test programme as we work toward full commercial release.


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